Kingfisher Airlines diverts A321s to Turkish THY Airlines, defers A380 deliveries
The financial woes at Kingfisher Airlines , forcing them to divert ordered aircraft to other airlines, continue. First it was the Airbus A34...

First it was the Airbus A340-500's meant for the flagship Bangalore to San Francisco "Silicon to Silicon" flights, that were diverted to Arik when Kingfisher could not take delivery.

With the collapsing domestic demand, Kingfisher has been deploying A321s on the regional international routes. These aircraft had even obtained their India registrations (VT-KRx series).

Two aircraft, CN 3637 (Ex VT-KRA now TC-JMH), and CN 3673 (Ex VT-KRB now TC-JMI), have been delivered recently to THY, and the next two, CN 3688 (Ex VT-KRC), and CN 3717 (Ex VT-KRE), are expected to be delivered in late January and February.
There is no news on the fifth A321, CN 3738 VT-KRF.
Kingfisher's must touted alliance with Jet Airways, has also remained stuck in neutral not producing any benefits for either airline, and Air Transport Intelligence is reporting that Kingfisher has again, for the second time, sought a delay in delivery of its ordered A380s to 2014.
The A380 deferral could also be as a result of the fact that no airport in India, other than Hyderabad, which will not provide the needed traffic, is capable to taking the "high take-off weight" optioned A380 that Kingfisher wants. Bengaluru International Airport, which is considered Kingfisher's home base, has deferred its 2nd phase expansion plans, which include an A380 capable runway, due to the slowdown in domestic traffic.