Saverjet - parody video of low cost airline by Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand has adopted a different approach to marketing. It has created a parody of a low cost airline . Enjoy the video.

Continuing our series of major scheduled civil aviation accidents with fatalities in the 100 years of Indian civil aviation. Yesterday we covered till the year 1952, today we continue forward till 195...
Yesterday we focussed on the highlights of the last 100 years of Indian civil aviation. Today we focus on the tragedies.We are listing the major scheduled commercial civil aviation accidents with fata...
In what is considered the world's first airmail service, on 18 Feburary, 1911 the first commercial civil aviation flight in India took place in India between Allahabad and Naini, a distance of 6 miles...
Civil Aviation minister Vayalar Ravi kicked off the centenary year celebrations at the nation's capital New Delhi, earlier this morning.Bengaluru International Airport Limited, the airport operator of...
Air New Zealand has adopted a different approach to marketing. It has created a parody of a low cost airline . Enjoy the video.
Thanks to kind friends at SpiceJet and Bombardier for your enjoyment.It is five days of holiday to celebrate the Ayudha Pooja and Dassera festival, and we extend all our supporters warmest holiday wis...
by Devesh AgarwalIndia top newsSpiceJet passenger loads on Q400 flights exceeding expectations within a week of commencing serviceSources inside the airline have told Bangalore Aviation that the passe...