Video: Boeing 787 Dreamliner One ZA001 engines started for the first time
It is always a momentous occasion in the birth of a new aircraft; the starting of the engines for the first time. Liz Matzelle captured on ...

Liz Matzelle captured on video Boeing's first 787 Dreamliner ZA001 starting up its Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines. The tell-tale white smoke which is emitted as the oils and other protective coatings inside the engine are burnt away is natural.
Thanks Liz.
Boeing reports
The occasion marks the first all-electric start of a commercial jetliner engine on a twin-aisle commercial jetliner; the engines had been started electronically in test facilities earlier.
Engine runs began at 9:30 a.m. (PDT) today and ended 40 minutes later. During initial engine runs, the engines are started and operated at various power settings to ensure all systems perform as expected. Today's engine run test began with the Auxiliary Power System providing power to start the two Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines.
Basic systems checks continued throughout the test. The engines were powered down and inspected and will be restarted following a technical review. The team completed a vibration check and monitored the shutdown logic to ensure it functioned as expected.