TimesNow TV continues scaremongering, sensationalist story telling on Air India Express, Jet Airways near miss
The normal headline of this article would have included the words reporting and coverage but then that would imply a sense of responsibility...

Below is video shown on national TV but cleverly not on the internet, which can be archived. The video covers a "news report" on a near-miss at Trichy airport between Jet Airways and Air India Express. It is yet another example of the scaremongering and sensationalist reporting at TimesNow TV when it comes to the aviation sector, and especially Air India.
Observe the choice of sensationalist words "Mid-air Collision" "Near Crash" with the word "averted" just softly said like an afterthought. Reminds one of how Yudishtira manipulated the emotions of his guru Dronacharya for his son Aswathamma to achieve his ends; except, what are the ends TimesNow TV is trying to achieve with this less than honest approach?
Wrong visuals. Discussing an Air India Express Boeing 737-800 but showing a sketch of a Boeing 777 and then a visual of an Airbus A320, followed by cockpit videos of a Boeing 747. The channel even has the gall to compare this near miss incident to the Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision which claimed 349 lives. I do not intend to be or sound callous, but, even if both the Jet and AIX planes were filled to 100% capacity and had crashed, the total number of passengers would not be 349.
What is TimesNow trying to achieve?? A complete fear psychosis in the minds of Indian passengers?? and for the sake of a few fractions of TRPs??
In my humble opinion, TimesNow should play the role of a responsible member of the fifth estate. Do investigative journalism to ensure such incidents are properly investigated by the DGCA, in a timely manner, and correct action is followed through so that structural changes are effected which will benefit the Indian aviation and strengthen it.
This shoddy journalism only lowers the credibility of TimesNow.
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