Photo: Lufthansa Boeing 747-8i D-ABYA gets water cannon salute at Bangalore

In the very early hours of September 13th, Lufthansa landed its first Boeing 747-8i at Bengaluru International Airport. The B748 service on ...

In the very early hours of September 13th, Lufthansa landed its first Boeing 747-8i at Bengaluru International Airport. The B748 service on flight LH754 from Frankfurt to Bangalore commenced one day earlier than announced since Lufthansa was able to complete its fleet induction of the newest 748 D-ABYD, one day earlier. Keeping with tradition, the fire-fighters and rescue teams of the ARFF gave D-ABYA the water cannon salute, signifying the first flight by this aircraft type.

A piece of trivia for us AvGeeks. D-ABYA, the first Boeing 747-8i has performed the first flights to all the three existing Lufthansa 748 destinations -- Washington Dulles, New Delhi, and now Bangalore.

Below is a picture, courtesy Lufthansa.
Lufthansa Boeing 747-8i LH754 Frankfurt to Bangalore Water Cannon Salute D-ABYA
The Boeing 748 features Luthansa's new business class which was recently reviewed by Bangalore Aviation.


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