Video: Pilot asked to hold for "VIP movement" responds "We're more important than they are"
A humorous way to start the week. All of us in India has experienced a disruption in our lives due to "VIP movement". This video f...
A humorous way to start the week.
All of us in India has experienced a disruption in our lives due to "VIP movement".
This video from Jenf777 on a humorous exchange between the air traffic controller at Boston's Logan airport and the pilot of American Airlines 573. After hearing the exchange, all I could think, we need to get some more pilots like him in India, may then Indian airports will not be shut down for hours whenever there is a "VIP movement".
All of us in India has experienced a disruption in our lives due to "VIP movement".
This video from Jenf777 on a humorous exchange between the air traffic controller at Boston's Logan airport and the pilot of American Airlines 573. After hearing the exchange, all I could think, we need to get some more pilots like him in India, may then Indian airports will not be shut down for hours whenever there is a "VIP movement".
ATC: American 573 Roger. Uh...let's see. Hold your push [back]. Stay with me. You'll be number three to push ...... due to VIP movement ...... the airport's stopped.What would be your rejoinder to the American Airlines pilot if you were the air traffic controller? Post a comment. Keep it humorous in the spirit of the story.
AA573 Pilot: Due to what??
ATC: Uh..VIP movement.
AA573: What's that?
ATC: That's a Very Important Person that's moving and nobody else can move.
AA573. We're more important than they are.
ATC: I wouldn't argue with you, but you've got to stop right there for now.
Another ATC controller (which the AA pilot can hear): Air Force One [The US President's plane] Boston Tower good morning. Winds three-two-zero at one three, runway four right, cleared for take-off.
Air Force One pilot: Air Force One cleared for take off four right, thanks.