She Flies!!!!! Airbus A350 XWB first flight in pictures

Congratulations to the Airbus team. The A350XWB has taken-off on its maiden flight from Toulouse Blagnac airport in France. Till the officia...

Congratulations to the Airbus team. The A350XWB has taken-off on its maiden flight from Toulouse Blagnac airport in France. Till the official pictures come, a few screen shots from the streaming video from Airbus.

Awaiting behind the delivery flight of the Cebu Pacific A330

The Airbus wide-body flight line. Dominated by A330s and an A380. Compare the larger A350 with the smaller A330.

Getting ready to taxi to holding point on the runway. The chase plane, a SN-600 Corvette is on the adjacent exit.

The A350 with the Airbus flight line behind.

The chase plane readies for take-off.

At runway holding point.

All lined up.

Start the take-off roll


In the air. The flaps and landing gear are kept lowered till the basic flight manoeuvres are completed and the crew finds the aircraft configuration "clean".

In the air

Approaching runway 32L to land


Exiting the runway

Flight test engineer Pascal Verneau waves an Airbus flag to celebrate the completion of a successful first flight. 

Video feed courtesy Airbus


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