Editorial: Time to Eliminate Unions at Air India
When the Indian Pilots Guild, one of two pilot unions at national carrier Air India, began a strike around 2 weeks ago, it once again illust...

The new civil aviation minister Mr. Ajay Singh, who is apparently far more pragmatic and sensible than his predecessors, has threatened to withdraw Air India’s bailout package. "This is bailout is not without strings. They have to meet strict standards. If they meet these standards, then we will release public money. We can't keep pouring public money. This is the last chance for them to perform." He also urged the pilots to return to work, even offering an olive branch to downplay fears of reprisal, "Strike is not an answer to solve your grievances,” he said, “All the grievances will be heard unconditionally. [Pilots] must come to talks unconditionally ... please go back to work….Air India management will in no way be vindictive towards any employee .... a lot of young people have just joined (as pilots). But the first priority should be that passengers are not inconvenienced."
There is a hint of legitimacy to IPG’s claims and grievances. After all, the Aviation Ministry made a remarkable hash of things by failing to properly integrate Indian Airlines and Air India pilots on basis of seniority. By keeping the two unions separate, Air India has created an environment in which the pilots of the respective unions are continually thinking in terms of an “us versus them” sort of mentality; each seeking to enrich itself as opposed to the company as a whole. To be sure, it is unlikely that IPCA members would have ever operated 787s or any widebody aircraft for that matter, had Indian Airlines remained a standalone carrier. And the disparities in work rules are tangible for IPG’s pilots. The following two graphics (from the Economic Times) will give a good overview of the issue.
To be fair to the IPG, they alone are not at fault here; as in most cases of labor strife, the blame is shared between management and the unions. But the continual labor strife at Air India brings up another question… Why does the IPG exist in the first place, and should it? Generally speaking, government-run corporations (especially prestige projects like an airline) have dismal financial performance, because there is no incentive to be profitable. Company leaders (and employees) know that even if the airline is poorly run, bloated, and offers horrid service quality, they will keep their jobs (the government will fund their operations and debt).
The thing is, public sector unions understand this as well; they know that even if their demands would bankrupt a normal carrier, the Sugar Daddy (Government of India) will pay for it anyway. Secondly, public sector unions play a large role in choosing who their bosses will be (both by directly voting and manipulating public opinion); when you can pick your bosses, the quality of your work tends to decrease. What this creates is a perverse scenario where unionized Air India workers can get cushy pay and benefits, yet have almost no incentive to do their jobs – to provide good service, be productive, or even do their jobs properly. They are also able to throw out any boss who dares to challenge their demands. Thus the combination of a public sector company and unions creates a toxic cocktail of reverse incentives that prevent Air India from becoming a successful company.
While the profit motive may not appear at Air India for some time, at least the unionization scourge can be removed. This strike not only affects Air India, but each and every Indian as well (at least those that pay taxes). And every time Air India’s unions ask for wages and benefits above the market rate or go on strike, they are robbing you, the taxpayer, of your hard earned money. When pilots at Jet Airways strike (as at Air India), they ultimately harm the shareholders of the company (private citizens for the former, the taxpayers of India for the latter). But the difference is that Jet Airways’ shareholders voluntarily invested in that the company; they went in knowing the risks. Meanwhile, you pay taxes that support Air India regardless of whether you want to or not. Stop allowing Air India’s unions to rob taxpayer money… ban unions at Air India.