Infographics: April Data for the Indian Airline Market

The image above shows the load factors at each of India's airlines. Considering that Kingfisher has shrunk so much, it is surprising th...

The image above shows the load factors at each of India's airlines. Considering that Kingfisher has shrunk so much, it is surprising that their seat factor has not elevated past its pre-downsize levels.
The image above shows on-time performance for April. Two interesting things to note about the data. First, Kingfisher's OTP has come back down to earth. In earlier months after the downsizing, Kingfisher had recorded an OTP of up near 90% but this appears to have been an outlier caused by too many cancellations at Kingfisher. Also interesting to note is GoAir's superb performance. We have personally reviewed GoAir's schedule, and it is heavily concentrated on rush hours in the Metros; I wonder how they manage to outstrip their competitors who have a more balanced schedule?
Market Share data is pretty much as expected, though IndiGo continues to encroach on Jet Airways' position at #1. To give these figures a bit of color, overall domestic traffic figures were 5.1 million for the month, meaning that Jet Airways and IndiGo each carried more than 1 million passengers in April. It's also sad to see Kingfisher as a shell of its former self, stuck in last place - almost the opposite of Gordon Bethune's book "From Worst to First - Behind the Scenes of Continental's Remarkable Comeback"- at Kingfisher they went from First to Worst.
And finally, cancellations and complaints. Air India was predictably atrocious in the cancellation department (and this will only get worse with the IPG strike in May), but held up surprisingly well in the Passenger Complaints department. IndiGo and GoAir on the other hand performed the worst; one has to wonder if under-staffing has become an issue at these two frugal carriers.


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